Launch ablation()
with the same command-line options as the command-line
executable (ablation.exe
in Windows).
ablation_cmdline(argv = commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE))
- argv
The arguments provided on the R command line as a character vector, e.g.,c("-i", "irace.Rdata", "--src", 1)
A list containing the following elements:
- allConfigurations
Configurations tested in the ablation.
- state
State of the ablation process.
- experiments
A matrix with the results of the experiments (columns are configurations, rows are instances).
- scenario
Scenario object with the settings used for the experiments.
- trajectory
IDs of the best configurations at each step of the ablation.
- best
Best configuration found in the experiments.
- complete
if the ablation process was completed.
The function reads the parameters given on the command line
used to invoke R, launches ablation()
and possibly plotAblation()
List of command-line options:
-l,--log-file Path to the (.Rdata) file created by irace from which
the "iraceResults" object will be loaded.
-S,--src Source configuration ID or the path to a file
containing the configuration. Default: 1.
-T,--target Target configuration ID (by default the best
configuration found by irace) or the path to a file
containing the configuration.
-P,--params Specific parameter names to be used for the ablation
(separated with commas). By default use all
-t,--type Type of ablation to perform: "full" will execute each
configuration on all "--n-instances" to determine the
best-performing one; "racing" will apply racing to
find the best configurations. Default: full.
-n,--nrep Number of replications per instance used in "full"
ablation. Default: 1.
--seed Integer value to use as seed for the random number
generation. Default: 1234567.
-o,--output-file Log file to save the ablation log. If "", the results
are not saved to a file. Default: log-ablation.Rdata.
--instances-file Instances file used for ablation: "train", "test" or a
filename containing the list of instances. Default:
-p,--plot Output filename (.pdf) for the plot. If not given, no
plot is created.
-O,--plot-type Type of plot. Supported values are "mean", "boxplot",
"rank" or "rank,boxplot". Default: mean.
--old-path Old path found in the log-file (.Rdata) given as input
to be replaced by --new-path.
--new-path New path to replace the path found in the log-file
(.Rdata) given as input.
-e,--exec-dir Directory where the target runner will be run.
-s,--scenario Scenario file to override the scenario given in the
log-file (.Rdata)
--parallel Number of calls to targetRunner to execute in
parallel. Values 0 or 1 mean no parallelization.
#> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> # ablation: An implementation in R of Ablation Analysis
#> # Version:
#> # Copyright (C) 2020--2025
#> # Manuel Lopez-Ibanez <>
#> # Leslie Perez Caceres <>
#> #
#> # This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
#> # conditions. See the GNU General Public License for details. There is NO
#> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> # installed at: /home/runner/work/_temp/Library/irace
#> # called with: --help
#> -l,--log-file Path to the (.Rdata) file created by irace from which
#> the "iraceResults" object will be loaded.
#> -S,--src Source configuration ID or the path to a file
#> containing the configuration. Default: 1.
#> -T,--target Target configuration ID (by default the best
#> configuration found by irace) or the path to a file
#> containing the configuration.
#> -P,--params Specific parameter names to be used for the ablation
#> (separated with commas). By default use all
#> -t,--type Type of ablation to perform: "full" will execute each
#> configuration on all "--n-instances" to determine the
#> best-performing one; "racing" will apply racing to
#> find the best configurations. Default: full.
#> -n,--nrep Number of replications per instance used in "full"
#> ablation. Default: 1.
#> --seed Integer value to use as seed for the random number
#> generation. Default: 1234567.
#> -o,--output-file Log file to save the ablation log. If "", the results
#> are not saved to a file. Default: log-ablation.Rdata.
#> --instances-file Instances file used for ablation: "train", "test" or a
#> filename containing the list of instances. Default:
#> train.
#> -p,--plot Output filename (.pdf) for the plot. If not given, no
#> plot is created.
#> -O,--plot-type Type of plot. Supported values are "mean", "boxplot",
#> "rank" or "rank,boxplot". Default: mean.
#> --old-path Old path found in the log-file (.Rdata) given as input
#> to be replaced by --new-path.
#> --new-path New path to replace the path found in the log-file
#> (.Rdata) given as input.
#> -e,--exec-dir Directory where the target runner will be run.
#> -s,--scenario Scenario file to override the scenario given in the
#> log-file (.Rdata)
#> --parallel Number of calls to targetRunner to execute in
#> parallel. Values 0 or 1 mean no parallelization.
# Find the ablation command-line executable:
Sys.glob(file.path(system.file(package="irace", "bin"), "ablation*"))
#> [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/irace/bin/ablation"