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Returns the configurations by the iteration in which they were executed.


getConfigurationByIteration(iraceResults, iterations, drop.metadata = FALSE)



Object created by irace and typically saved in the log file irace.Rdata. If a character string is given, then it is interpreted as the path to the log file from which the iraceResults object will be loaded.


The iteration number or a vector of iteration numbers from where the configurations should be obtained. Negative values start counting from the last iteration.


Remove metadata, such as the configuration ID and the ID of the parent, from the returned configurations. See removeConfigurationsMetaData().


A data frame containing the elite configurations required.


Manuel López-Ibáñez and Leslie Pérez Cáceres


log_file <- system.file("exdata/irace-acotsp.Rdata", package="irace", mustWork=TRUE)
getConfigurationByIteration(log_file, iterations = c(-2, -1), drop.metadata = TRUE)
#>     algorithm localsearch  alpha   beta    rho ants nnls q0 dlb rasrank
#> 118       ras           3 4.0526 2.5427 0.7522   17   20 NA   1       9
#> 113       ras           3 4.1042 1.5310 0.8104   16   12 NA   1      24
#> 149       ras           3 3.7080 0.4873 0.9452    8   11 NA   1      50
#> 117       ras           3 4.1817 0.5324 0.8893   13   18 NA   1      23
#> 124       ras           3 3.1663 0.6971 0.8396   24   26 NA   1      19
#> 154       ras           3 4.3131 2.6776 0.7208   14   16 NA   1      11
#> 155       ras           3 3.5982 1.4889 0.6575   15    9 NA   1      26
#>     elitistants time
#> 118          NA    5
#> 113          NA    5
#> 149          NA    5
#> 117          NA    5
#> 124          NA    5
#> 154          NA    5
#> 155          NA    5