creates a categorical parameter.param_ord()
creates an ordinal parameter.param_real()
creates a real-valued parameter.param_int()
creates an integer parameter.
parametersNew(..., forbidden = NULL, debugLevel = 0L)
param_cat(name = name, values, label = "", condition = TRUE)
param_ord(name, values, label = "", condition = TRUE)
label = "",
condition = TRUE,
transf = "",
digits = 15L
param_int(name, lower, upper, label = "", condition = TRUE, transf = "")
- ...
one or more parameters created by
, orparam_cat()
.- forbidden
String or list of expressions that define forbidden parameter configurations.- debugLevel
Larger values produce more verbose output.- name
Parameter name (must be alphanumeric).- values
Domain as a vector of strings.- label
Label associated to the parameter. Often used to encode a command-line switch that activates the parameter.- condition
Expression that defines when the parameter is active according to the value of other parameters.- lower, upper
Lower and upper limits of the valid domain.
- transf
, then the parameter is sampled in a logarithmic scale.- digits
The number of decimal places to be considered for real-valued parameters.
digits <- 4L
param_cat(name = "algorithm", values = c("as", "mmas", "eas", "ras", "acs"), label = "--"),
param_ord(name = "localsearch", values = c("0", "1", "2", "3"), label = "--localsearch "),
param_real(name = "alpha", lower = 0.0, upper=5.0, label = "--alpha ", digits = digits),
param_real(name = "beta", lower = 0.0, upper = 10.0, label = "--beta ", digits = digits),
param_real(name = "rho", lower = 0.01, upper = 1.00, label = "--rho ", digits = digits),
param_int(name = "ants", lower = 5, upper = 100, transf = "log", label = "--ants "),
param_real(name = "q0", label = "--q0 ", lower=0.0, upper=1.0,
condition = expression(algorithm == "acs")),
param_int(name = "rasrank", label = "--rasranks ", lower=1, upper=quote(min(ants, 10)),
condition = 'algorithm == "ras"'),
param_int(name = "elitistants", label = "--elitistants ", lower=1, upper=expression(ants),
condition = 'algorithm == "eas"'),
param_int(name = "nnls", label = "--nnls ", lower = 5, upper = 50,
condition = expression(localsearch %in% c(1,2,3))),
param_cat(name = "dlb", label = "--dlb ", values = c(0,1),
condition = "localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)"),
forbidden = "(alpha == 0) & (beta == 0)")
#> List of 11
#> $ algorithm :List of 8
#> ..$ name : chr "algorithm"
#> ..$ type : chr "c"
#> ..$ domain : chr [1:5] "as" "mmas" "eas" "ras" ...
#> ..$ label : chr "--"
#> ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#> ..$ isFixed : logi FALSE
#> ..$ transform : chr ""
#> ..$ condition : logi TRUE
#> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamCat" "Parameter" "list"
#> $ localsearch:List of 8
#> ..$ name : chr "localsearch"
#> ..$ type : chr "o"
#> ..$ domain : chr [1:4] "0" "1" "2" "3"
#> ..$ label : chr "--localsearch "
#> ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#> ..$ isFixed : logi FALSE
#> ..$ transform : chr ""
#> ..$ condition : logi TRUE
#> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamOrd" "Parameter" "list"
#> $ alpha :List of 9
#> ..$ name : chr "alpha"
#> ..$ type : chr "r"
#> ..$ domain : num [1:2] 0 5
#> ..$ label : chr "--alpha "
#> ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#> ..$ isFixed : logi FALSE
#> ..$ transform : chr ""
#> ..$ condition : logi TRUE
#> ..$ digits : int 4
#> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamReal" "Parameter" "list"
#> $ beta :List of 9
#> ..$ name : chr "beta"
#> ..$ type : chr "r"
#> ..$ domain : num [1:2] 0 10
#> ..$ label : chr "--beta "
#> ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#> ..$ isFixed : logi FALSE
#> ..$ transform : chr ""
#> ..$ condition : logi TRUE
#> ..$ digits : int 4
#> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamReal" "Parameter" "list"
#> $ rho :List of 9
#> ..$ name : chr "rho"
#> ..$ type : chr "r"
#> ..$ domain : num [1:2] 0.01 1
#> ..$ label : chr "--rho "
#> ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#> ..$ isFixed : logi FALSE
#> ..$ transform : chr ""
#> ..$ condition : logi TRUE
#> ..$ digits : int 4
#> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamReal" "Parameter" "list"
#> $ ants :List of 8
#> ..$ name : chr "ants"
#> ..$ type : chr "i"
#> ..$ domain : int [1:2] 5 100
#> ..$ label : chr "--ants "
#> ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#> ..$ isFixed : logi FALSE
#> ..$ transform : chr "log"
#> .. ..- attr(*, "lower")= num 1.6094379124341
#> .. ..- attr(*, "upper")= num 4.61512051684126
#> ..$ condition : logi TRUE
#> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamInt" "Parameter" "list"
#> $ q0 :List of 9
#> ..$ name : chr "q0"
#> ..$ type : chr "r"
#> ..$ domain : num [1:2] 0 1
#> ..$ label : chr "--q0 "
#> ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#> ..$ isFixed : logi FALSE
#> ..$ transform : chr ""
#> ..$ condition : expression(algorithm == "acs")
#> ..$ digits : int 15
#> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamReal" "Parameter" "list"
#> $ rasrank :List of 8
#> ..$ name : chr "rasrank"
#> ..$ type : chr "i"
#> ..$ domain : expression(1L, min(ants, 10))
#> ..$ label : chr "--rasranks "
#> ..$ is_dependent: logi TRUE
#> ..$ isFixed : logi FALSE
#> ..$ transform : chr ""
#> ..$ condition : expression(algorithm == "ras")
#> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamInt" "Parameter" "list"
#> $ elitistants:List of 8
#> ..$ name : chr "elitistants"
#> ..$ type : chr "i"
#> ..$ domain : expression(1L, ants)
#> ..$ label : chr "--elitistants "
#> ..$ is_dependent: logi TRUE
#> ..$ isFixed : logi FALSE
#> ..$ transform : chr ""
#> ..$ condition : expression(algorithm == "eas")
#> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamInt" "Parameter" "list"
#> $ nnls :List of 8
#> ..$ name : chr "nnls"
#> ..$ type : chr "i"
#> ..$ domain : int [1:2] 5 50
#> ..$ label : chr "--nnls "
#> ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#> ..$ isFixed : logi FALSE
#> ..$ transform : chr ""
#> ..$ condition : expression(localsearch %in% c(1, 2, 3))
#> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamInt" "Parameter" "list"
#> $ dlb :List of 8
#> ..$ name : chr "dlb"
#> ..$ type : chr "c"
#> ..$ domain : chr [1:2] "0" "1"
#> ..$ label : chr "--dlb "
#> ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#> ..$ isFixed : logi FALSE
#> ..$ transform : chr ""
#> ..$ condition : expression(localsearch %in% c(1, 2, 3))
#> ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamCat" "Parameter" "list"
#> Forbidden:
#> [[1]]
#> <bytecode: 0x55cd4377b8d8>
#> attr(,"source")
#> [1] "(alpha == 0) & (beta == 0)"