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  • param_cat() creates a categorical parameter.

  • param_ord() creates an ordinal parameter.

  • param_real() creates a real-valued parameter.

  • param_int() creates an integer parameter.


parametersNew(..., forbidden = NULL, debugLevel = 0L)

param_cat(name = name, values, label = "", condition = TRUE)

param_ord(name, values, label = "", condition = TRUE)

  label = "",
  condition = TRUE,
  transf = "",
  digits = 15L

param_int(name, lower, upper, label = "", condition = TRUE, transf = "")



one or more parameters created by param_int(), param_real(), param_ord(), or param_cat().


String or list of expressions that define forbidden parameter configurations.


Larger values produce more verbose output.


Parameter name (must be alphanumeric).


Domain as a vector of strings.


Label associated to the parameter. Often used to encode a command-line switch that activates the parameter.


Expression that defines when the parameter is active according to the value of other parameters.

lower, upper

Lower and upper limits of the valid domain.


If "log", then the parameter is sampled in a logarithmic scale.


The number of decimal places to be considered for real-valued parameters.




digits <- 4L
   param_cat(name = "algorithm", values = c("as", "mmas", "eas", "ras", "acs"), label = "--"),
   param_ord(name = "localsearch", values = c("0", "1", "2", "3"), label = "--localsearch "),
   param_real(name = "alpha", lower = 0.0, upper=5.0, label = "--alpha ", digits = digits),
   param_real(name = "beta", lower = 0.0, upper = 10.0, label = "--beta ", digits = digits),
   param_real(name = "rho", lower = 0.01, upper = 1.00, label = "--rho ", digits = digits),
   param_int(name = "ants", lower = 5, upper = 100, transf = "log", label = "--ants "),
   param_real(name = "q0", label = "--q0 ", lower=0.0, upper=1.0,
              condition = expression(algorithm == "acs")),
   param_int(name = "rasrank", label = "--rasranks ", lower=1, upper=quote(min(ants, 10)),
             condition = 'algorithm == "ras"'),
   param_int(name = "elitistants", label = "--elitistants ", lower=1, upper=expression(ants),
             condition = 'algorithm == "eas"'),
   param_int(name = "nnls", label = "--nnls ", lower = 5, upper = 50,
             condition = expression(localsearch %in% c(1,2,3))),
   param_cat(name = "dlb",  label = "--dlb ", values = c(0,1),
             condition = "localsearch %in% c(1,2,3)"),
   forbidden = "(alpha == 0) & (beta == 0)")
#> List of 11
#>  $ algorithm  :List of 8
#>   ..$ name        : chr "algorithm"
#>   ..$ type        : chr "c"
#>   ..$ domain      : chr [1:5] "as" "mmas" "eas" "ras" ...
#>   ..$ label       : chr "--"
#>   ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#>   ..$ isFixed     : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ transform   : chr ""
#>   ..$ condition   : logi TRUE
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamCat" "Parameter" "list"
#>  $ localsearch:List of 8
#>   ..$ name        : chr "localsearch"
#>   ..$ type        : chr "o"
#>   ..$ domain      : chr [1:4] "0" "1" "2" "3"
#>   ..$ label       : chr "--localsearch "
#>   ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#>   ..$ isFixed     : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ transform   : chr ""
#>   ..$ condition   : logi TRUE
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamOrd" "Parameter" "list"
#>  $ alpha      :List of 9
#>   ..$ name        : chr "alpha"
#>   ..$ type        : chr "r"
#>   ..$ domain      : num [1:2] 0 5
#>   ..$ label       : chr "--alpha "
#>   ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#>   ..$ isFixed     : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ transform   : chr ""
#>   ..$ condition   : logi TRUE
#>   ..$ digits      : int 4
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamReal" "Parameter" "list"
#>  $ beta       :List of 9
#>   ..$ name        : chr "beta"
#>   ..$ type        : chr "r"
#>   ..$ domain      : num [1:2] 0 10
#>   ..$ label       : chr "--beta "
#>   ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#>   ..$ isFixed     : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ transform   : chr ""
#>   ..$ condition   : logi TRUE
#>   ..$ digits      : int 4
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamReal" "Parameter" "list"
#>  $ rho        :List of 9
#>   ..$ name        : chr "rho"
#>   ..$ type        : chr "r"
#>   ..$ domain      : num [1:2] 0.01 1
#>   ..$ label       : chr "--rho "
#>   ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#>   ..$ isFixed     : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ transform   : chr ""
#>   ..$ condition   : logi TRUE
#>   ..$ digits      : int 4
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamReal" "Parameter" "list"
#>  $ ants       :List of 8
#>   ..$ name        : chr "ants"
#>   ..$ type        : chr "i"
#>   ..$ domain      : int [1:2] 5 100
#>   ..$ label       : chr "--ants "
#>   ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#>   ..$ isFixed     : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ transform   : chr "log"
#>   .. ..- attr(*, "lower")= num 1.6094379124341
#>   .. ..- attr(*, "upper")= num 4.61512051684126
#>   ..$ condition   : logi TRUE
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamInt" "Parameter" "list"
#>  $ q0         :List of 9
#>   ..$ name        : chr "q0"
#>   ..$ type        : chr "r"
#>   ..$ domain      : num [1:2] 0 1
#>   ..$ label       : chr "--q0 "
#>   ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#>   ..$ isFixed     : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ transform   : chr ""
#>   ..$ condition   :  expression(algorithm == "acs")
#>   ..$ digits      : int 15
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamReal" "Parameter" "list"
#>  $ rasrank    :List of 8
#>   ..$ name        : chr "rasrank"
#>   ..$ type        : chr "i"
#>   ..$ domain      :  expression(1L, min(ants, 10))
#>   ..$ label       : chr "--rasranks "
#>   ..$ is_dependent: logi TRUE
#>   ..$ isFixed     : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ transform   : chr ""
#>   ..$ condition   :  expression(algorithm == "ras")
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamInt" "Parameter" "list"
#>  $ elitistants:List of 8
#>   ..$ name        : chr "elitistants"
#>   ..$ type        : chr "i"
#>   ..$ domain      :  expression(1L, ants)
#>   ..$ label       : chr "--elitistants "
#>   ..$ is_dependent: logi TRUE
#>   ..$ isFixed     : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ transform   : chr ""
#>   ..$ condition   :  expression(algorithm == "eas")
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamInt" "Parameter" "list"
#>  $ nnls       :List of 8
#>   ..$ name        : chr "nnls"
#>   ..$ type        : chr "i"
#>   ..$ domain      : int [1:2] 5 50
#>   ..$ label       : chr "--nnls "
#>   ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#>   ..$ isFixed     : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ transform   : chr ""
#>   ..$ condition   :  expression(localsearch %in% c(1, 2, 3))
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamInt" "Parameter" "list"
#>  $ dlb        :List of 8
#>   ..$ name        : chr "dlb"
#>   ..$ type        : chr "c"
#>   ..$ domain      : chr [1:2] "0" "1"
#>   ..$ label       : chr "--dlb "
#>   ..$ is_dependent: logi FALSE
#>   ..$ isFixed     : logi FALSE
#>   ..$ transform   : chr ""
#>   ..$ condition   :  expression(localsearch %in% c(1, 2, 3))
#>   ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ParamCat" "Parameter" "list"
#> Forbidden:
#> [[1]]
#> <bytecode: 0x55cd4377b8d8>
#> attr(,"source")
#> [1] "(alpha == 0) & (beta == 0)"