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Read parameters in PCS (AClib) format and write them in irace format.


read_pcs_file(file, digits = 4L, debugLevel = 0L, text)



Filename containing the definitions of the parameters to be tuned.


The number of decimal places to be considered for real-valued parameters.


Larger values produce more verbose output.


If file is not supplied and this is, then parameters are read from the value of text via a text connection.


A string representing the parameters in irace format.


Either file or text must be given. If file is given, the parameters are read from the file file. If text is given instead, the parameters are read directly from the text character string. In both cases, the parameters must be given (in text or in the file whose name is file) in the expected form. See the documentation for details. If none of these parameters is given, irace will stop with an error.

FIXME: Multiple conditions and default configuration are currently ignored. See


Frank Hutter, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Chris Fawcett, Marius Thomas Lindauer, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown, and Thomas Stützle. AClib: A Benchmark Library for Algorithm Configuration. In P. M. Pardalos, M. G. C. Resende, C. Vogiatzis, and J. L. Walteros, editors, Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 8th International Conference, LION 8, volume 8426 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 36–40. Springer, Heidelberg, 2014.

See also


Manuel López-Ibáñez


 ## Read the parameters directly from text
 pcs_table <- '
 # name       domain
 algorithm    {as,mmas,eas,ras,acs}[as]
 localsearch  {0, 1, 2, 3}[0]
 alpha        [0.00, 5.00][1]
 beta         [0.00, 10.00][1]
 rho          [0.01, 1.00][0.95]
 ants         [1, 100][10]il
 q0           [0.0, 1.0][0]
 rasrank      [1, 100][1]i
 elitistants  [1, 750][1]i
 nnls         [5, 50][5]i
 dlb          {0, 1}[1] 
 q0 | algorithm in {acs}
 rasrank | algorithm in {ras}
 elitistants | algorithm in {eas}
 nnls | localsearch in {1,2,3}
 dlb | localsearch in {1,2,3} 
 {alpha=0, beta=0}'
 parameters_table <- read_pcs_file(text=pcs_table)
#> # name       domain
#> algorithm "algorithm" c (as,mmas,eas,ras,acs)
#> localsearch "localsearch" c (0, 1, 2, 3)
#> alpha "alpha" r (0.00, 5.00)
#> beta "beta" r (0.00, 10.00)
#> rho "rho" r (0.01, 1.00)
#> ants "ants" i,log (1, 100)
#> q0 "q0" r (0.0, 1.0) | algorithm == "acs"
#> rasrank "rasrank" i (1, 100) | algorithm == "ras"
#> elitistants "elitistants" i (1, 750) | algorithm == "eas"
#> nnls "nnls" i (5, 50) | localsearch %in% c("1","2","3")
#> dlb "dlb" c (0, 1) | localsearch %in% c("1","2","3")
#> [forbidden]
#> (alpha == 0) & (beta == 0)
 parameters <- readParameters(text=parameters_table)
#> # 2024-03-22 14:22:54 UTC: 1 expression(s) specifying forbidden configurations read.
#> List of 15
#>  $ names       : chr [1:11] "algorithm" "localsearch" "alpha" "beta" ...
#>  $ types       : Named chr [1:11] "c" "c" "r" "r" ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:11] "algorithm" "localsearch" "alpha" "beta" ...
#>  $ switches    : Named chr [1:11] "algorithm" "localsearch" "alpha" "beta" ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:11] "algorithm" "localsearch" "alpha" "beta" ...
#>  $ domain      :List of 11
#>   ..$ algorithm  : chr [1:5] "as" "mmas" "eas" "ras" ...
#>   ..$ localsearch: chr [1:4] "0" "1" "2" "3"
#>   ..$ alpha      : num [1:2] 0 5
#>   ..$ beta       : num [1:2] 0 10
#>   ..$ rho        : num [1:2] 0.01 1
#>   ..$ ants       : num [1:2] 1 100
#>   ..$ q0         : num [1:2] 0 1
#>   ..$ rasrank    : num [1:2] 1 100
#>   ..$ elitistants: num [1:2] 1 750
#>   ..$ nnls       : num [1:2] 5 50
#>   ..$ dlb        : chr [1:2] "0" "1"
#>  $ conditions  :List of 11
#>   ..$ algorithm  : logi TRUE
#>   ..$ localsearch: logi TRUE
#>   ..$ alpha      : logi TRUE
#>   ..$ beta       : logi TRUE
#>   ..$ rho        : logi TRUE
#>   ..$ ants       : logi TRUE
#>   ..$ q0         :  expression(algorithm == "acs")
#>   ..$ rasrank    :  expression(algorithm == "ras")
#>   ..$ elitistants:  expression(algorithm == "eas")
#>   ..$ nnls       :  expression(localsearch %in% c("1", "2", "3"))
#>   ..$ dlb        :  expression(localsearch %in% c("1", "2", "3"))
#>  $ isFixed     : Named logi [1:11] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:11] "algorithm" "localsearch" "alpha" "beta" ...
#>  $ transform   :List of 11
#>   ..$ algorithm  : chr ""
#>   ..$ localsearch: chr ""
#>   ..$ alpha      : chr ""
#>   ..$ beta       : chr ""
#>   ..$ rho        : chr ""
#>   ..$ ants       : chr "log"
#>   .. ..- attr(*, "lower")= num 0
#>   .. ..- attr(*, "upper")= num 4.62
#>   ..$ q0         : chr ""
#>   ..$ rasrank    : chr ""
#>   ..$ elitistants: chr ""
#>   ..$ nnls       : chr ""
#>   ..$ dlb        : chr ""
#>  $ isDependent : Named logi [1:11] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:11] "algorithm" "localsearch" "alpha" "beta" ...
#>  $ digits      : Named int [1:4] 4 4 4 4
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:4] "alpha" "beta" "rho" "q0"
#>  $ forbidden   :List of 1
#>   ..$ :<bytecode> 
#>   .. ..- attr(*, "source")= chr "(alpha == 0) & (beta == 0)"
#>  $ depends     :List of 11
#>   ..$ algorithm  : chr(0) 
#>   ..$ localsearch: chr(0) 
#>   ..$ alpha      : chr(0) 
#>   ..$ beta       : chr(0) 
#>   ..$ rho        : chr(0) 
#>   ..$ ants       : chr(0) 
#>   ..$ q0         : chr "algorithm"
#>   ..$ rasrank    : chr "algorithm"
#>   ..$ elitistants: chr "algorithm"
#>   ..$ nnls       : chr "localsearch"
#>   ..$ dlb        : chr "localsearch"
#>  $ hierarchy   : Named num [1:11] 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:11] "algorithm" "localsearch" "alpha" "beta" ...
#>  $ nbParameters: int 11
#>  $ nbFixed     : int 0
#>  $ nbVariable  : int 11